To find out our target audience we created a questionnaire which is shown below, from this we found out where the best place to distribute the film and to advertise it and much they would pay to watch the film. Because we have found out this information we can now look closer into the .We will be able to see why short films are age rated a certain age and how what makes it that rating.
12-14 []
15-17 []
18+ []
17 x 4
Do you watch Short films?
Yes []
No []
occasionally []
no x 2
yes x 1
occasionally x 1
If no, why?
too simple , doesnt hold interest
What genre would you prefer to watch?
Thriller []
Comedy []
Horror []
Animated []
Romcom []
thriller x 1
thriller/ comedy x 1
Animated x 1
Romcom x 1
What would you like to see in a short film?
Comedy/jokes []
Action []
Narrative []
Simple storyline []
Complex storyline []
Comedy/jokes x 2
Complex storyline x 1
Action x 1
How many characters do you think a short film should have?
1 []
2 []
3 []
4 []
5 []
6 []
7 + []
2 x 2
3 x 1
6 x 1
How long should a short film last for?
less than 5 minutes []
5 minutes []
10 minutes []
15 minutes []
50 minutes []
More than 20 minutes []
5 x 2
10 x 1
20 x 1
Where would you watch a short film?
Internet []
Cinema []
T.V []
Internet x 2
Cinema x 2
How do you think they should be advertised?
Cinema []
Social networking sites []
Posters []
T.V []
Internet []
posters x 1
cinema x 1
social networking sites x 1
Internet x 1
Where should the location be set?
Forest []
City []
Village []
Streets []
city x 2
village x 1
random x 1
Do you think its more affective to film at night?
Yes []
No []
Random []
Other ............................
No x 2
Yes x 1
Dusk x 1
What time of the year should it be set?
Winter []
Summer []
Autumn []
Spring []
Autumn x 2
Winter x 1
Summer x 1
what time period should it be set in?
Modern []
Past []
Future []
Any []
Modern x 4
How much would you pay to see a short film?
less than 1 pound []
1-2 pounds []
3-4 pounds []
5-6 pounds []
6-10 pounds []
10-15 pounds []
other []
less than one pound x 1
two pounds x 1
five pounds x 2
Why would you go see a short film?
new experience
new cultural experience
Who would you go see a short film with?
Girlfiend x 1
Friend x 3
How should we promote this?
Bus posters
Magazine review
Radio adverts
Web advertising
What type of viewer do you think would watch short films?
Teen x 4
who is going to analyse it - how can you earn marks ?? remember that this is the ultimate aim of this blog - see my next post