Thursday, 9 December 2010

Presenting our idea

This is a link of a video of us presenting our idea a class of students in our age range we are aiming for, thay gave their opinion and also gave us some ideas about how we could make it more interesting to the audience. we explained that we had decided to make it hyperreality, therefore the audiece is seperated from the film meaning they know that its just a film and it couldnt happen to them. thereofore we decided the violent scenes in the film would be either in black and white or really bright colours to make it look less realistic.

Thursday, 2 December 2010

Age Rating

Finding out our target audince meant that we then knew who our film would appeal o. however we need to find out the age ratings and if our film will apply to a certain bracket. Therefore i looked on the BBFC website, ( ) From looking at this i was able to see al the different age ratings a film could have and why a film is classed as that age. Because my target audience is 15-17 year olds I looked particularly at the15certificate.
For a 15 these restrictions apply;


The work as a whole must not endorse discriminatory language or behaviour.


Drug taking may be shown but the film as a whole must not promote or encourage drug misuse. The misuse of easily accessible and highly dangerous substances (for example, aerosols or solvents) is unlikely to be acceptable.


Strong threat and menace are permitted unless sadistic or sexualised.

Imitable behaviour

Dangerous behaviour (for example, hanging, suicide and self-harming) should not dwell on detail which could be copied. Easily accessible weapons should not be glamorised.


There may be frequent use of strong language (for example, ‘fuck’). The strongest terms (for example, ‘cunt’) may be acceptable if justified by the context. Aggressive or repeated use of the strongest language is unlikely to be acceptable.


Nudity may be allowed in a sexual context but without strong detail. There are no constraints on nudity in a non-sexual or educational context.


Sexual activity may be portrayed without strong detail. There may be strong verbal references to sexual behaviour, but the strongest references are unlikely to be acceptable unless justified by context. Works whose primary purpose is sexual arousal or stimulation are unlikely to be acceptable.


No theme is prohibited, provided the treatment is appropriate for 15 year olds.


Violence may be strong but should not dwell on the infliction of pain or injury. The strongest gory images are unlikely to be acceptable. Strong sadistic or sexualised violence is also unlikely to be acceptable. There may be detailed verbal references to sexual violence but any portrayal of sexual violence must be discreet and have a strong contextual justification.


From looking at this certificate our film would be a 15 as we will have violence but not a lot. we will be mainly focusing on the context between the different characters.

analysing layout

Header; EMPIRE is an established well known film magazine: this is implicit in the example to the left -
People will know what the magazine is and what it is ahout even with the title being obscured.
This is very simplistic but effective, you know what its about and you know the actors. This is what i am aiming for in my layout.
I do not like the layout of this but it does apply to the conventions. on the other examples they are very bright and colourful, this is not, therefore my first impression would be not to read this article.
I do like how the name of the artist is very noticable.

I like how the interviewee is sitting on the text on the right, and i like the layout however it looks like there is more photos than text. Thereofre if i were to use a layout like this i wouldnt put as many photos in, or i would possibly make the photos a bit smaller.

I like the layout of this as it applies to the conventions, however
i feel that

I have had a go at creating layout ideas - see below - but they do not fit with layout conventions; i needed to look at existing examples to identify strong and weak conventions